Intro: G-G-F-C G-G-F-C
You can (G)see the squares of canvas
dancing (C)over the ho(G)rizon
You can (G)feel the chanty wailing to the (D)heaving of the (D7)men
You can (C)feel the
seas up (D)to your knees and you (G)know the sea is (C)rising
And you (G)know the clipper's (C)day has come a(D)gain -D
the (G)men on high, the bosun's cry co(C)mmands a (D7)killing (G)strain
Till (G)every mother's son begins to (D)pray(D7)
a (C)hearty shout, she (D)comes about as she (G)heads into the (C)rain
And the (G)ship has never (D)seen a (D7)better (G)day
(D)Sailing ships and sailing men will (C)sail the open (G)waters
the (C)only thing that (G)matters is the (C)wind in(D7)side the (D)main
So (C)all you loving (D)mothers keep your (G)eyes
upon your (C)daughters
For the (G)sails will mend their (C)tatters and the (D)masts will (D7)rise a(G)gain (G)
(G)Wooden beams and human dreams are (C)all that makes her (G)go
And the
(G)magic of the wind upon her (D)sails(D7)
She'd (C)rather fight the (D)weather than the (G)fishes down be(C)low
(G)help us if the (C)rigging ever (D)fails -D
As the (G)timber creaks, the captain speaks a(C)bove the (D7)vessel's (G)groan
(G)every soul on board can hear the (D)call(D7)
It's (C)nothing but the (D)singing of the (G)ship inside her (C)bones
(G)this is when she (D)like it (D7)best of (G)all -G
Chorus + F-C
Where the (G)current goes, the clipper's nose is (C)plowing fields of (G)green
Where (G)fortune takes the crews,
we wish them (D)well(D7)
Where (C)men could be when (D)lost at sea is (G)somewhere in bet(C)ween
The (G)regions of a
(C)heaven and a (D)hell -D
They're (G)sailing eastern harbors and the (C)Cali(D7)fornia (G)shores
If you (G)set your
mind to see them then you (D)can(D7)
As you (C)count each mast go (D)sailing past you (G)prouder than be(C)fore
you'll (G)know the clipper's (D)day has (D7)come a(G)gain -G
Modified chorus
beginning with an (F)-chord instead of (D)
F-C-G-G (several times fading)