A[D] trooper lad came here last [A]night,
With [Em]riding he was [A]weary,
A [D]trooper lad came [A]here last night,
the moon[A] shone [Em]bright and [D]clearly.
Chorus 1
[D]Bonny lassie, I'll lie near [A]you,
Hey [Em]bonny lassie, I'll lie [A]near you,
I'll[D] gar all your [A]ribbons
[Em]Bonny [A]lassie, ere I [Em]leave [D]you.
[D]She's ta'en his high horse by the[A] head,
She's [Em]led him to the [A]stable,
She's [D]given him both [A]corn
and hay
As [Em]much as [A]he was [Em]abl[D]e.
Chorus 1
[D]She's ta'en the trooper by the [A]hand
And [Em]led him to the [A]table,
There's [D]food and wine for a [A]soldier
As [Em]much as [A]he is [Em]ab[D]le.
Chorus 1
[D]She went upstairs to make the [A]bed,
And [Em]she made it soft and [A]easy.
She's [D]pulled her petticoats [A]o'er
[D]her head,
Crying, [Em]Soldier, [A]are you [Em]rea[D]dy
[D]He's taken off his big [A]topcoat,
[Em]Likewise his hat and [A]feather.
He's[D] ta'en the broadsword [A]from
his [D]side,
And [Em]now he's [A]down be[Em]side [D]her.
Chorus 1
[D]They had not been an hour in [A]bed,
An [Em]hour but and a [A]quarter,
When[D] the drums came beating [A]up
the [D]town,
And[Em] every [A]beat got [Em]shor[D]ter.
Chorus 2
[D]Bonny lassie, I must leave[A] you,
Now[Em] bonny lassie, I must [A]leave you,
If [D]ever I come
this [A]road a[D]gain
I [Em]will ]A]come in and [Em]see [D]you.
[D]She's ta'en her gown out o'er her[A] arms,
And [Em]followed him through [A]Stirling.
She's [D]grown so full
she [A]could not [D]bow,
And [Em]he [A]left her in [Em]Dunferm[D]line.
Chorus 2
[D]It's when will you come back [A]again
To [Em]be your bairnie's [A]daddy ?
When [D]cockle shells grow [A]silver
It's [Em]when I'll[A] come and[Em] wed [D]ye.