For the
(G)sake of health I (Em)took a walk one (Am)morning in the (G)dawn,
I met a jolly
(Em)turf man as I (C)slowly walked a(G)long,
The greatest
conver(Em)sation passed bet(C)ween himself and (G)me
And soon I got
a(Em)cquainted with the (Am)turfman from Ar(G)dee.
We (G)chatted
very (Em)freely as we (Am)jogged along the (G)road,
He said my ass
is (Em)tired and I'd (C)like to sell his (G)load,
For I got no
re(Em)freshments since I (C)left home you (G)see,
And I'm
wearied out with (Em)travelling said the (Am)turfman from Ar(G)dee.
Your (G)cart
is wracked and (Em)worn friend, your (Am)ass is very (G)old,
It must be
twenty (Em)summers since that (C)animal was (G)foaled
Yoked to a
cart where (Em)I was born, Sep(C)tember 'forty (G)three
And carried
for the (Em)midwife says the (Am)turfman from Ar(G)dee
I (G)often do
a(Em)buse my ass with (Am)this old hazel (G)rod,
But never yet
did (Em)I permit poor (C)Jack to go un(G)shod
The harness
now u(Em)pon his back was (C)made by John Mc(G)Gee
And he's dead
this four and (Em)forty years says the (Am)turfman from Ar(G)dee.
I (G)own my
cart now, (Em)has been made out (Am)of the best of (G)wood,
I do believe
it (Em)was in use in the (C)time of Noah's (G)flood
Its axle never
(Em)wanted grease say (C)one year out of (G)three.
It's a real
old Carrick (Em)axle said the (Am)turfman from Ar(G)dee.
We (G)talked
about our (Em)country and (Am)how we were op(G)pressed
The men we
sent to (Em)parliament have (C)got our wrongs ad(G)dressed
I have no
faith in (Em)members now or (C)nothing else you (G)see
But led by
bloomin' (Em)humbugs, said the (Am)turfman from Ar(G)dee.
Just (G)then a
female (Em)voice called out, which (Am)I knew very (G)well,
asking (Em)this old man the (C)load of turf to (G)sell
I shook that
stately (Em)hand of his and (C)bowed respectful(G)ly
In hope to
meet some (Em)future day, the (Am)turfman from Ar(G)dee.