Play A Chord To E Chord For Strumming Intro
They came with ease
They brought disease
And they[D] tried to [A]change the [E]way
We lived in [A]peace
[G]people [A]died
Our [G]women [A]cried
Our [G]frightened
They [G]ran to [A]hide
Yes they [G]ran
to[A] hide
They came with guns
And they killed for fun
And they laughed at the
Who could not run
But brave men
With heads held high
With spears in hand
Redeemed to die yes
Reedemed to die
Then they drove us north
Through winters claws
And hundreds of our children died from frost
Then they drove
us south
It was good at first
Then our people they
Did die
From hunger and from their thirst
From hunger and
from their thirst
Then they built for us
Prisons small
Where hundreds of our
Brave men
Were to fall
Execution by night
hunger by day
Why did we believe
The old they would say
Yes the old they would say
The buffalo have gone
Like time they’ve flown
Ah where the white buffalo
He does roam
Our land goes
That’s all we have
But our people they
Will grow
And rebirth this land
God rebirth this land
They came with ease
They brought disease
They came with ease