Words without the chords.
I've been courting Bridie now for [C]nearly 15 years,
she asked me to marry her I [C]broke down in tears.
To prove how much I loved her and to do the decent thing,
drove up to Dublin to buy the auld wedding ring.
First of all the toll bridge was highway robbery,
glad we broght the flask with us we saved it on the tea.
And when we reached the jewlers, I parked outside the door.
from out of nowhere I hear this deafining roar.
Hay, ye can't park here, ye can't park there.
all I heard him say,
I'm going to have to clamp you and you'll get towed away.
I was looking for a car
park but didn't have much luck
He said that was a laim excuse and he couldn't give a f'''.
down O'Connell Street in the middle of the day,
A Garda pulled me over and said it was one-way.
I pulled
up on the footpath on the double yellow line.
He opened up his note book and asked me was I blind.
eight hours shopping well it began to rain,
As I drove 'round by Stephen's Green I nearly hit a train.
me heart was palpating and me nerves were shot to bits.
I stopped outside McDonolds to get a bag of chips.
ye can't park here, ye can't park there.
That's all I heard him say,
I'm going to have to clamp you and
you'll get towed away.
I was looking for a car park but didn't have much luck
He said that was a laim
excuse and he couldn't give a f'''.
Heading for Belmullet and the city
far behind,
Bridie got the auld wedding ring and I got a parking fine,
When I told me story to the lads
in O'Donnolds Bar.
They told be I should get a bike and sell that ,,car.
ye can't park here, ye can't park there.
That's all I heard him say,
I'm going to have to clamp you and
you'll get towed away.
I was looking for a car park but didn't have much luck
He said that was a laim
excuse and he couldn't give a f'''