Irish Songs Lyrics With Guitar Chords By Martin Dardis

John Gibbs Songs

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C - F
G - J
K - M
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John Gibbs Song Lyrics. John has been writing and singing songs for over 30 years. He has had  his songs recorded by some of the top names on the Irish music scene including Christy Moore and Sinead O'Connor. John has also had verses of songs, "Irish Ways and Irish Laws" and " The Great Hunger "published by Gill and Mc Millan and Cambridge University Press


Irish Ways and Irish Laws has been recorded 70 or 80 times because it is a powerful song. This is Sinead O'Connor's version.

One night after a Hearts gig in The Baggot Inn Dublin. John Gibbs the author of the song [ Irish Ways And Irish Laws ]  sent up on an empty Major packet with the song written on the back of it. We were so taken with it that we started rehearsing it the same night and two years later found that it had  passed into the tradition. Of all the songs I have ever done, this and Only Our Rivers Run Free were the songs that became part of the general Irish repertoire in a very quick time.  From the Christy Moore songbook

The Ballad Of Anthony Lee


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